Students often take part in some volutary work as an act of good cirizenship.
Write a report about an activity you participated in or heard about in your school,neighbourhood or city.
Last week-end,I partticipated in an activity of planting trees in my district.First,the chief of association
pronounced a speech showing the nature of our task and the activity's importance.Then,we have divided into four
Each group would plant five trees.I had been working for four hours continuosly until I finished my mission.As
soon as we had planted the trees we irrigated of water.We were all motivated in order to do that activity,me and my
friends havr worked hard to do it.I explained to people who came to see what we were doing that planting trees is
important for our healths,moreover they gives us the oxygene,in addition they contributed to minimise the pollution
In conclusion,I have felt a great sensation and happiness from this activity.I'm very proud because I have taken
part as a good citizenship
Pollution ( cause and effect + solution)